18 | Memory Recall |
To see the previously measured values
A. Push the "PAGE" button to select one of the four
Memory Zones.
B. Once one of the four Memory Zones has been selected, push the "MEMO" button twice. The first blood pressure reading will be displayed.
C. To view additional readings, push the "MEMO" button successively to go through the various readings. (1~99)
Average Recall | 19 |
This unique monitor automatically offers a set of five average values: (Hour, Day, Week, Month and All). It offers you or your doctor an easy way to find out the cariation in Systolic, Diastolic and Pulse values.
To see the average of previously measured values
A. Push the "PAGE" button to select one of the four
Memory Zones.
B. Once one of the four Memory Zones have been selected. Push the "AVG" button twice. The average for the Hour will be displayed.
To delete the memory
A. Push the "PAGE" button to select one of the four Memory Zones.
B. Once one of the four Memory Zones has been selected, hold the "MEMO" & "PAGE" button together for 5 seconds. The LCD will dispaly "ALL EE" and the decreasing memory recall number simultaneously.
Note: The most recent reading is shown first. After all 99 readings are recorded, new readings replace the oldest reading in memory.
C. To view the averages for the Day, Week, Month & All, keep pushing the "AVG" button.
D. To view another Memory Zone, push the "PAGE" button once, then push the "AVG" button to view the averages.