How To Use This Manual
The first pages after the table of contents are the hookup diagrams. These show typical setups for fun times with your mixer.
Next is a detailed tour of the entire mixer. The descriptions are divided into sections, just as your mixer is organized into distinct zones:
•Back panel
•Connection section
•Channel controls
•Master controls
Throughout these sections you’ll find illustrations with each feature numbered and described in nearby paragraphs.
This icon marks information that is critically
important or unique to the mixer. For your own
good, read them and remember them.
This icon will lead you to some explanations of
features and practical tips. Go ahead and skip these if you need to leave the room in a hurry.
Appendix A: Service information.
Appendix B: Connectors.
Appendix C: Technical information.
Appendix D: Rack ear installation.
Appendix E: FireWire.
Appendix F: Modifications.
Need help with your new mixer?
• Visit www.mackie.com and click Support to find: FAQs, manuals, addendums, and other useful information.
• Email us at: techmail@mackie.com.• Telephone
Owner's Manual 5