multitrack machine
sound sources
direct group outputs outputs
The outputs of the multitrack are then patched to the next eight LINE [2] inputs on the
to some of the tracks, and the DIRECT OUT jacks to feed
The point is that you never listen directly to the source channels
—just set it up and forget it. You’ll also know for cer- tain that the signals are indeed getting to the multi- track, since you’re constantly listening to it.
Another method of interfacing a multitrack is called inline monitoring, and requires a dedicated mixing console, like the Mackie 8•Bus. Each of its channels is actually two channels: one carrying the mic/line sound source and the other carrying the multitrack output.
These 1/4" jacks usually patch to the inputs of your parallel effects devices or to the inputs of your stage monitor amps. For details see "Aux Talk" on page 23.
You’ve heard us carelessly toss around the terms “se- rial” and “parallel.” Here’s what we mean by them:
“Serial” means that the entire signal leaves the mixer (INSERT [4] send), is routed through the effects device, and returns to the mixer (INSERT return). Ex- amples: compressor, limiter, graphic equalizer.
Manual Owner’s
But let’s not forget that the
For example, a channel is assigned to SUB OUT 1. SUB OUT 1’s output is patched to multitrack input 1. From there, the multitrack output goes to the mixer’s channel 9 LINE input, as we just discussed. (Hot tip:
To feed an
The advantages: You can assign any channel to any track, without repatching. You can assign multiple channels to one track and control the overall level of that subgroup. You can’t bounce tracks without this feature.
Perhaps the best method is to do both: Use the SUB OUTS to feed multichannel submixes (like a drum kit)
| Insert | Insert |
| Send | Return |
| Signal Processor |
Dry Signal | (e.g., Compressor) | Processed |
| Signal |
“Parallel” means that a portion of the signal in the mixer is tapped off to the device (AUX SEND [6]), pro- cessed, and returned to the mixer (STEREO RETURN [7]) to be mixed with the original “dry” signal. This way, multiple channels can all make use of the same effects device. Examples: reverb, digital delay.
Aux | Aux | Output |
Send | Return | Section |
Signal Processor |
(e.g., Reverb) |
| Wet Signal |
| Mix | Processed |
Channel Path |
| Stage | Signal |
| |
Dry Signal(s) |
| Dry Signal(s) |
Owner’s Manual | 11 |