Thank you for choosing a Mackie professional compact mixer. The
Now that you have your
Since many of you folks will want to hook up your
Every feature of the
Patchbay: The patchbay along the top and back, where you connect things.
Channel Strip: The sixteen channel strips on the left where you adjust each channel.
Output Section: The output section on the right.
Throughout these chapters you’ll find illustrations, with each feature numbered. If you’re curious about a feature, simply locate it on the appropriate illustration, notice the number attached to it, and find that number in the nearby paragraphs.
This icon marks information that is critically
important or unique to the
own good, read them and remember them. They will be on the final test.
This icon will lead you to
Appendix A is a section on troubleshooting and repair information.
Appendix B is a section on connectors: XLR connec- tors, TRS balanced connectors, TS unbalanced connec- tors, and Insert connectors.
Appendix C shows the technical specifications, and a block diagram showing the internal signal path and general
Need help with your new mixer?
•Visit www.mackie.com and click Support to find:
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), manuals, addendums, and user forums.
•Email us at: techmail@mackie.com.
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