If you want the subgroup to appear in the center of the main mix, engage both the ASSIGN TO MAIN MIX, LEFT and RIGHT switches. The signal will be sent to both sides, and will be attenuated just enough to preserve constant loudness, just like the channel PAN [31] knobs when set in the center.
This knob controls the level of the stereo signal coming from the TAPE INPUT [12] RCA jacks. Its range is off when fully down, unity at the center detent, with 20 dB additional gain turned fully up, which may come in handy if you’ve patched in a device with wimpy output levels. After the level is determined, the stereo tape signal can be sent to either of two places — the main mix or the SOURCE [42] matrix .
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Engaging this switch is just like engaging the
can create a feedback path between TAPE INPUT [12] and TAPE OUTPUT [11]. Make sure
your tape deck is not in record,
Typically, the engineer sends the main mix to an audience or to a mixdown deck (if recording). But what if the engineer needs to hear something other than the main mix? With the
Using these switches, you can choose to listen to any combination of MAIN MIX, SUBS
Regardless of the SOURCE matrix selection, engaging a SOLO switch will replace that selection with the SOLO signal, also sent to the control room, headphones, and meter display. This is what makes the
Now you know how to select the signals you want to send to the engineer’s control room and/or phones. Once selected, these signals all pass through the same level control, aptly named:
As you might expect, this knob controls the levels of both the stereo control room, and the headphones. Make sure that you move it to minimum before selecting or adding a new source.
Whatever your selection, you can also use the control room outputs for other applications. The sound quality is just as impeccable as the main outputs. It can be used as an additional main mix output and this one will have its own level control. However, should you do this, be aware that if you engage a SOLO [27] switch, that will interrupt the mix: