12.When the installation has completed, the “Com- pleting the Found New Hardware Wizard” window opens. Click “Finish” to complete the process.

13.Open the Console and verify that the Console control panel appears. This confirms that commu- nication has been established between the console software and the 400F.

Note: You can open the Console from Windows by clicking “Start > Programs > Mackie Onyx F Series

>Onyx F Series Console.”

For the Mac:

1.Insert the CD provided with the Onyx 400F into your CD drive.

2.Double-click the CD icon on your desktop and locate the file named “Onyx Console.zip.”

3.Click-and-drag the file to your hard drive, to whatever location you prefer (i.e., the Applications folder).

4.Double-click the “Onyx Console.zip” file that you just copied to your hard drive, and OS X automati- cally unzips the “Onyx Console” file and places it in the same folder with the .zip file. (You can move the .zip file to the Trash once the Onyx Console is extracted from the .zip file.)

5.Connect the Onyx 400F to your Macintosh with the FireWire cable that was included in the box and turn it on.

6.Open the Console and verify that the Console control panel appears. This confirms that commu- nication has been established between the console software and the 400F.

Note: The Onyx Console works with a Mac’s built- in audio, so there are no drivers to install. All you need to install in the Onyx Console. However, you must use OS X version 10.3.9 or higher for the Onyx Console to work properly.

Macintosh OS X Audio MIDI Setup

OS X has a dedicated setup utility for audio and MIDI. You can use the Audio Setup utility to change the default audio input and output and general system settings on your Macintosh.

1.Go to the Applications folder and open the Utilities folder.

2.Double-click “Audio MIDI Setup.”

3.Click the Audio Devices tab, and select Onyx 400F in the “Properties For” drop-down box.

4.Here you can see the settings for the Onyx 400F. You can also choose to use the Onyx 400F as your default input or output, as well as designate it to be used for system sound output.