
Click the output tabs to create individual mixes for each pair of outputs. Each pair of outputs has its own tab, so make sure you have the correct one selected before making any changes.

Note: The mixes you create in the Console matrix mixing section apply to the physical outputs on the Onyx 400F (line outputs 1-8 and the S/PDIF output). The DAW application receives inputs 1-10 independent of the matrix mixer via the FireWire connection.

Channel Strips

Each output control panel has a channel strip for each of the ten inputs for creating an individual stereo headphone monitor mix at the selected pair of outputs. In addition, a pair of outputs from the DAW software application can be included in the mix. This is useful for overdubbing, when you want to add another track to some tracks that have already been recorded.

Each input has its own fader control, meter, and overload (OL) indicator. Typically, you want the meters to average around the –10 mark. This allows 10 dB of

headroom for peaks. If the signal has lots of sharp peaks, you may need to reduce the average level a bit to allow the peaks through without triggering the OL indicator.

A pan control allows you to pan the signal left and right between the pair of outputs (Left=odd; Right=even).

Each input has a SOLO button and a MUTE button. When a SOLO button is clicked, the Rude Solo LED blinks to remind you that a channel is soloed. Soloing a channel allows you to hear just that channel in the out- puts. Muting a channel allows you to remove a channel from the overall mix.

There is a Master Level control for the two outputs and a left and right meter to indicate the signal level at the outputs. Overload (OL) indicators let you know if you need to reduce the Main Mix level control.

Along the bottom of the panel are boxes for labeling each channel strip. Simply click on the box to open a dialog box for renaming the channel strip. These names are saved with the preset file when using the Save button.