5.You’re ready to go with any Mac OS X Core Audio host application (i.e., Tracktion, Logic, Cubase, Nuendo, Live, Digital Performer, etc.).

The Onyx 400F should now appear as an 10x10 audio interface available for any DAW application that you have installed on your computer.

Note: It is still necessary to select the Onyx 400F as the audio device in the DAW software application’s “Settings” window.

6.The next window lets you choose the Destination folder for installing the software files. We recommend you use the default location used by the installer, but you can choose a different location if you want by clicking the Browse button. Then click “Install.”

Manual Owner’s

Installing Tracktion 2

The CD-ROM that came with your Onyx 400F also has the full version of Tracktion 2, our easy-to-use multitrack recording and sequencing software for the PC and Mac.

To install Tracktion 2 on a PC running Windows XP:

1.Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

2.Browse to the CD directory and open the “Tracktion 2” folder. You can copy the folder called “Tracktion 2 Documentation” to your hard drive if you like, to make it easier to access.

3.Double-click the file “T2Install_allexamples.exe”.

4.You may get a “Security Warning” about running the installer. It’s okay. Click “Run.”

7.When the installer has completed copying the files into the destination folder, the All Installed dialog box opens. Click OK to finish the installation.

8.Double-click the Tracktion.exe file in the destina- tion folder to open Tracktion.

5.Next you will see the Tracktion License Agreement. Read through the text and click “Accept.”

To install Tracktion 2 on a Mac running OS X (version 10.3.9 or later):

1.Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

2.Double-click the CD icon on the desktop and double-click the file named “T2Install_ allexamples.dmg”.

3.A Tracktion window opens. Drag the Tracktion icon from the Tracktion window into the Applications folder.

4. Double-click the Tracktion file in the Applications


folder to open Tracktion.


Owner’s Manual