2.If AutoPlay is enabled then the “Accept Warranty Dialog” should appear (if not, it can be run from D:\Setup.exe where D: is the drive letter of your CD-ROM). Read the agreement and click Accept if you agree to the terms of the Warranty. The following dialog will appear:

Fig. 21. Setup top-level menu.

3. Click Install utilities and drivers, the following dialog will appear:

Fig. 22. Utilities and drivers menu.

4.Click on Install Wireless Network Manager for Access Point 802.11b (95-10) to install the utility.

5.Follow the instructions of the Installer Wizard to complete the installation of the Wireless Network Manager.

6.Alternatively you can run “D:\AP\WNM\Setup.exe” (where D: is the drive letter of your CD-ROM; replace it with a correct letter if necessary) to install the Wireless Network Manager.


Copyright © 2002 Madge Networks. All rights reserved.

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