Marantz SA-17S1 service manual Aoutl+, Hardware Mode, Control Port Mode

Models: SA-17S1

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QD41/QD61/QD71 : CS4397

Analog Ground - AGND

Pins 18 and 21, Inputs


Analog ground reference.

Differential Analog Outpus - AOUTR- , AOUTR+ and AOUTL- ,


Pins 19, 20, 23 and 24, Outputs


The full scale differential analog output level is specified in the Analog Characteristics specifications table.

Analog Power - VA

Pin 22, Input


Power for the analog and reference circuits. Typically 5VDC.

Common Mode Voltage - CMOUT

Pin 25, Output Function:

Filter connection for internal bias voltage, typically 50% of VREF. Capacitors must be connected from CMOUT to analog ground, as shown in Figure 6. CMOUT has a typical source impedence of 25 kand any current drawn from this pin will alter device performance

Reference Ground - FILT-

Pin 26, Input Function:

Ground reference for the internal sampling circuits. Must be connected to analog ground.

Reference Filter - FILT+

Pin 27, Output Function:

Positive reference for internal sampling circuits. External capacitors are required from FILT+ to analog ground, as shown in Figure 6. FILT+ is not intended to supply external current.

Voltage Reference Input- VREF

Pin 28, Input Function:

Analog voltage reference. Typically 5VDC.


Mode Select - M0, M1, M2, M3, M4

Pins 2, 3, 4, 5 and 14, Inputs Function:

The Mode Select pins determine the operational mode of the device as detailed in Tables 9-14. The op-tions include; Selection of the Digital Interface Format which determines the

required relationship between the Left/Right clock, serial clock and serial data as detailed in Figures 29-33 Selection of the standard 15 s/50 s digital de-emphasis filter response, Figure 28, which requires re-configuration of the digital filter to maintain the proper filter response for 32, 44.1 or 48 kHz sample rates. Selection of the appropriate clocking mode to match the input sample rates. Access to the Direct Stream Digital Mode Access to the 8x Interpolation Input Mode


Address Bit 0 / Chip Select - AD0 / CS

Pin 2, Input Function:

In I2C mode, AD0 is a chip address bit. CS is used to enable the control port interface in SPI mode. The device will enter the SPI mode at anytime a high to low transition is detected on this pin. Once the device has entered the SPI mode, it will remain until either the part is reset or undergoes a power-down cycle.

Address Bit 1 / Control Data Input - AD1/CDIN

Pin 3, Input Function:

In I2C mode, AD1 is a chip address bit. CDIN is the control data input line for the control port interface in SPI mode.

Serial Control Interface Clock - SCL/CCLK

Pin 4, Input Function:

In I2C mode, SCL clocks the serial control data into or from SDA/CDOUT.

In SPI mode, CCLK clocks the serial data into AD1/CDIN and out of SDA/CDOUT.

Serial Control Data I/O - SDA/CDOUT

Pin 5, Input/Output Function:

In I2C mode, SDA is a data input/output. CDOUT is the control data output for the control port interface in SPI mode.

M1 - Mode Select

Pin 14, Input Function:

This pin is not used in Control Port Mode and must be terminated to ground.


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Marantz SA-17S1 service manual Aoutl+, Hardware Mode, Control Port Mode