3-14 McDATA® Sphereon™ 4500 Fabric Switch Product Manager User Manual
Configuring the Switch
—Fabric Element MIB
—Fibre Alliance (FCMGMT) MIB
—Switch private MIB
For complete information on objects defined in MIBs and steps to
download MIB variables to your SNMP workstation, refer to the
SNMP Support Manual (620-000131).
•Configure network addresses and community names for up to six
SNMP trap recipients.
An SNMP trap recipient is a network management station that
receives messages through SNMP for specific events that occur on
the switch.
To enable or disable authorization trap messages to be sent when
unauthorized management stations try to access SNMP
information through the EFC Server, select the Enable
Authorization Traps check box. A check mark in the box enables
this option.
•Define SNMP community names that SNMP managers use for
reading variables.
•Authorize write permissions for writable MIB variables.
SNMP managers may request, but will not receive, traps and SNMP data
through SNMP management stations that are not configured with
community names.
Procedure To configure SNMP traps and assign community names, use the
following steps:
1. Select SNMP from the Configure menu on the menu bar.