Glossary g-21
Uunblocked port Devices communicating with an unblocked port can log in to the
switch and communicate with devices attached to any other
unblocked port (assuming that this is supported by the current
zoning configuration).
unicast Communication between a single sender and a single receiver over a
network. Compare to multicast (communication between a single
sender and multiple receivers) and anycast (communication between
any sender and the nearest of a group of receivers). Similar in
meaning to point-to-point communication.
uniform resource
locator A standard way of specifying the location of an object, typically a
web page, on the Internet. URLs are the form of address used on the
world-wide web. They are used in HTML documents to specify the
target of a hyperlink which is often another HTML document
(possibly stored on another computer).
URL See uniform resource locator.
user rights The EFC Manager’s system administrator can assign levels of access,
or “User Rights,” to Product Manager users through the EFC
Manager application.
Vvital product data System-level data stored by the backplane in the electrically erasable
programmable read-only memory. This data includes serial numbers
and identifies the manufacturer.
VPD See vital product data.
Wwarning message Indication that a possible error has been detected. See also error
message and information message.