6-10 McDATA® Sphereon 4500 Fabric Switch Product Manager User Manual
Optional Features
requirements for disabling these parameters and features when the
director or switch is offline or online.
Features and Parameters Enabled
Fabric Binding This is a SANtegrity feature enabled through the Fabrics menu in the
EFC Manager that allows or prohibits switches and directors from
merging with a selected fabric. Refer to Enable/Disable and Online State
Functions on page 6-3 for details on enabling/disabling Fabric
Binding with Enterprise Fabric Mode enabled.
Switch Binding This is a SANtegrity feature enabled through the Configure menu in
the Product Manager that allows or prohibits switches and/or
directors from connecting to switch E_Ports, devices from connecting
to F_Ports. Refer to Enable/Disable and Online State Functions on
page 6-8 for details on enabling/disabling Switch Binding with
Enterprise Fabric Mode enabled.
Rerouting Delay Rerouting delay is a parameter in the Configure Switch Parameters
dialog box, available from Configure menu in the Product Manager
Rerouting Delay ensures that frames are delivered through the fabric
in order to their destination. If there is a change to the fabric topology
that creates a new path (for example, a new switch is added to the
fabric), frames may be routed over this new path if its hop count is
less than a previous path with a minimum hop count. This may result
in frames being delivered to a destination out of order since frames
sent over the new, shorter path may arrive ahead of older frames still
in route over the older path. If Rerouting Delay is enabled, traffic
ceases in the fabric for the time specified in the E_D_TOV field of the
Configure Fabric Parameters dialog box (Configure menu). This
delay enables frames sent on the old path to exit to their destination
before new frames begin traversing the new path.
If Enterprise Fabric Mode is enabled, this option is automatically
enabled and cannot be disabled unless the switch is offline. In this
case, disabling Rerouting Delay also disables Enterprise Fabric Mode.
Domain RSCNs This is a parameter in the Configure Switch Parameters dialog box,
available from Configure Menu in the Product Manager application.
Domain register for state change notifications (domain RSCNs) are
sent between end devices in a fabric to provide additional connection
information to host bus adapters (HBA) and storage devices. As an