4-6 McDATA® Sphereon 4500 Fabric Switch Product Manager User Manual
Using Logs
Figure4-3 Event Log
All detected firmware faults and hardware failures are sent to the
EFC Server for recording in the event log. The log provides a
maximum of 1000 log entries before it wraps and overwrites the
oldest entries.
For detailed information on event data and problem resolution, refer
to the McDATA Sphereon 4500 Fabric Switch Installation and Service
Manual (620-000159).
Each log entry includes the following:
The date and time of the event on the switch.
Events are identified by a unique code.
Event codes include:
A short description of the event.
There are four classifications of severity that identify the
importance of the event.
000 - 199 System events
200 - 299 Power supply events
300 - 399 Fan module events
400 - 499 CTP events
500 - 599 Port events
800-899 Thermal events