Front Panel Controls, Displays, Push-Buttons and Switch
METER indicates the Power Output of the Left Channel Amplifier
TREBLE Control provides 12dB boost or cut with a flat center position
METER indicates the | VOLUME Control |
Power Output of the Right | adjusts the listening |
Channel Amplifier | volume level of the |
| Loudspeakers and |
| Headphones |
INPUT SELECTOR Control selects the pro- gram signals that are listened to and are available for recording
BASS Control pro- vides 12dB boost or cut with a flat center position
METER Control selects | The BALANCE |
the display modes of the | Control adjusts the |
Power Output Meter | relative volume bal- |
| ance between chan- |
| nels |
jack accepts dy- | ton with indicator, allows | combines left and right | turns all AC | |
namic headphones | listening to the tape play- | stereo signals to mono | the MA2275 ON | power completely |
| back while the recording is | at the Headphones and | or OFF (Standby) | ON or OFF |
| in process | PREAMP OUTPUTS |
| 1&2 |
IR Sensor receives | TONE BYPASS | MUTE | TUBE WARMUP |
commands from a | allows the audio signal to to- | mutes the listening | indicates when the |
remote control | tally bypass the Tone Control | audio | audio output is muted |
| Circuitry |
| until the tubes reach |
| operating temperature |
14 |