McIntosh MCC602TM manual How to Connect for Mono Parallel

Models: MCC602TM

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How to Connect for Mono Parallel

How to Connect for Mono Parallel

1.Connect the Power Control Cable from the Control Center Amp ON to the MCC602TM ON connector on

the right side of the amplifier.

Note: All cables should be connected to the amplifier before connecting the DC power cables to the battery.

2.Connect a cable from a McIntosh Control Center with Power Guard to the MCC602TM PG connector on the right side of the amplifier.

3.Connect cables from the amplifier’s CHANNEL 2 (+) and (-) OUTPUT terminals to the CHANNEL 1 (+) and

(-) OUTPUT terminals.

Note: In Mono Parallel Mode, the impedance presented to the speaker is half of the number marked on the terminals, refer to the Mono Parallel Hookup Connections chart.

4.Connect a cable from a first Subwoofer’s (+) and (-) Terminals to the Amplifier’s (+) and (-) Terminals of the CHANNEL 2 OUTPUT.

5.Connect a cable from the first Subwoofer’s (+) and (-) Terminals to the Second subwoofer’s (+) and (-) Termi- nals.

6.Connect audio cables from a McIntosh Control Center to the INPUTs of a McIntosh Crossover Network.

7.Connect audio cables from the McIntosh Crossover Network SUB OUTPUT to the MCC602TM 2/MONO Input.

McIntosh Control Center

Note: Do not connect a cable to the LEFT input.

8.Connect the MCC602TM DC input terminals to the vehicle battery terminals using a minimum size of 4

AWG cables.

Note: It is advisable to place an inline fuse of sufficient size as close as possible to the battery. An alternative configuration is, when the MCC602TM is set for MONO

,PSHGDQFH6DNHU￿￿RKPV0RQRPARALLEL,￿3DUDOOHO6SHDNHU￿￿￿￿&+both287387&RQ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿RKP$￿DQG11(/6channels+RRN￿HFWLRQHJDWLYH￿XScan￿&RQQHFWLRQVbe6SHDNHU￿￿￿￿fed 287387+from&RQQHFW￿￿￿￿RKP$DQG11(/6￿the3RWLYH￿2/MONOLRQ Input and each drive a separate speaker. In this case the

speakers are connectedRQQHFWLRQVas described in the HOWFWLRQVTO CONNECT FOR TWO CHANNEL section of this manual on page￿.

Left Front Output

Right Front Output

Power Guard


Amp ON (blue/white)

McIntosh Crossover Network


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McIntosh MCC602TM manual How to Connect for Mono Parallel


What is Mono Parallel Mode?

Mono Parallel Mode allows for a lower impedance presented to the speaker, as the amplifier channels are bridged together.

What size cables should be used to connect the amplifier to the vehicle battery?

A minimum size of 4AWG cables is recommended for connecting the MCC602TM DC input terminals to the vehicle battery terminals.

Can the MCC602TM be set for MONO mode to drive separate speakers?

Yes, the MCC602TM can be set for MONO mode to drive separate speakers, with each speaker connected to the 2/MONO Input.