Connect the Smart Accessory port on the Saddle control panel to OTA using the
29 may use either of the Smart Acc ports on the control
29 Attach the OTA cable to the saddle plate. Plug in "12VDC IN;" make sure power switch is turned off first.
BPlug in handbox to HBX and plug in any other acces- sories.
Slide in the included 2" accessory adapter, a diagonal
30 eyepiece holder and an eyepiece. Tighten thumbscrews to secure.
| (See page 25 to learn how to attach the viewfinder to |
| the telescope.) |
| 31 During the daytime, point the telescope at a distant |
| object (at least 200 yards away), such as a telephone |
| pole or a street sign. Center the object in the tele- |
| scope's eyepiece. |
| spring loaded knob | Look through the viewfinder and loosen or tighten, as | |
| |
| |
| appropriate, one or more of the collimation screws until |
| |
| the viewfinders crosshairs are precisely centered on the |
| object in the OTA. Notice that the left rear knob is |
| 32 |
| rear knobs easier. |
Fine tune this alignment on a bright star during the nighttime.
22 | Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the |
| Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving. |