Observing Satellites
In this procedure, you will prepare your telescope to observe a satellite pass.
1.Navigate to the "Object: Satellite" menu option and press ENTER.
2.Use the Scroll keys to scroll through the list of satellites.
3.Select a satellite from the list and press ENTER.
4."Calculating...." and then "Tracking..." displays. If the satellite is going to make a pass, "Located" displays.
5.Use the Scroll keys to display data about the pass:
6."Alarm" displays after the location information. Press ENTER and Autostar II automatically sets the alarm to sound a minute before the satellite's scheduled appearance. You may return to regular observations until the alarm goes off.
7.When the alarm goes off, return to the Satellite menu and press a Scroll key until the desired satellite is on the top line of the display.
8.Press GO TO. Autostar II slews the telescope to where the satellite should appear. The motor drive stops and a countdown is displayed.
NOTE: If the scheduled appearance position of the satellite is obstructed (i.e., by a building, tree, or hill), press ENTER and Autostar II starts to move the telescope along the expected satellite track. When the track clears the obstruction, press ENTER again to pause the telescope, then continue with this procedure.
9.With about 20 seconds left on the countdown timer, start watching through the telescope viewfinder for the satellite to enter the field of view.
10.When the satellite enters the viewfinder field of view, press ENTER. The tele- scope starts to track with the satellite.
11.Use the Autostar II Arrow keys to center the object in the viewfinder, then look through the eyepiece to view the object.
Satellite orbits change and new satellites (including the Space Shuttle) are launched. Visit the Meade website (www.meade.com) approximately once a month to get updated information and instructions on how to download this data to Autostar II. If orbital parameters are more than one month old, the satellite pass may not happen at the time predicted by Autostar II. Downloading requires the USB cable supplied with your telescope.
Note: Satellite observing is an exciting challenge. Most satellites are in low orbit, travelling at approximately 17,500 mph. When visible, they move quickly across the sky and are only in the field of view for a few minutes, requiring Autostar II to slew the telescope rapidly. Best viewing is near Sunrise or Sunset when the sky is still dark. Viewing in the middle of the night can be problematic because a satellite may pass overhead, but not be visible as it is in the Earth's shadow.
This procedure allows you to use Autostar II to identify objects you have found in the night sky using the Arrow keys. If the object is not in Autostar II's database, Autostar
IIdisplays information about an object in its database that is closest to the one you queried about.
Important Note: For this function to operate properly, you must first ini- tialize and align Autostar II. If you physically move the telescope after ini- tialization, this function will fail to operate properly.
In this procedure, you will center an object you wish to have identified by Autostar II in the telescope eyepiece and use the "Identify" menu to find out information about the object or the nearest object to it in the Autostar II database.
1.Center the object you wish to have identified in the telescope's eyepiece.
44 | Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the |
| Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving. |