The DUPLEX switch sets the duplex mode on the copper port when
Switch 100M determines the speed setting for the copper port when
The 100M switch setting is ignored when
Far End Fault
Far End Fault (FEF) only applies to the fiber optic port. FEF enables a managed Radiance Access Line Card in a central office to detect a break in the Access ONU’s fiber port receiver. If FEF is enabled on the Access ONU and its fiber port stops receiving link signals, an unsolic- ited alarm will be sent to its Access Line Card partner. No alarms will be issued if FEF is disabled.
Link Loss Return
Link Loss Return (LLR) is only applicable to the fiber port. When LLR is enabled, loss of the receive signal at the port disables its own transmitter from emitting link pulses. When LLR is disabled, the fiber port continually transmits an idle signal.
Refer to Link Loss Return for additional information.