operating instructions for the individual camera.
5.7 TTL flash mode
The mecablitz is only suitable for the TTL flash mode.
The TTL flash mode is a very simple way to achieve excellent
flash shots. In this mode exposure readings are taken by a
sensor built into the camera which measures the light reach-
ing the film through the camera lens (TTL). The electronic
control circuit within the camera transmits a stop signal to
the mecablitz as soon as the film has been exposed by the
correct amount of light, thereby instantly interrupting the
flash. The advantage of this flash mode is that all factors in-
fluencing correct exposure of the film (filters, change of
aperture and focal length with zoom lenses, extensions for
close-ups, etc.) are automatically taken into account. You
need not worry about setting the flash, the camera’s elec-
tronic system automatically determines the correct amount
of flash light required.
If flash exposure was correct, the “o.k.” exposure confirma-
tion lights up.
The TTL flash mode is supported by all camera modes (e.g.
Full Auto Mode, Program P, Aperture Priority Mode “Av” or
“A”, Shutter Priority Mode “Tv” or “S”, Programmed Image
Control Modes, Manual Mode “M”, etc.).
To test the TTL function a film must be loaded in the
camera. When selecting the film please check whet-
her limits regarding maximum film speed are appli-
cable to the given camera when in TTL mode (refer to
the camera’s operating instructions). The mecablitz
supports the TTL flash mode for film speeds from
ISO 25 to ISO 800.
5.7.1 Automatic TTL fill-in flash in daylight
Most camera models automatically activate the fill-in flash
mode when in Full Auto Mode, Program P, and the
Programmed Image Control Modes in daylight (see the
camera’s operating instructions).
Fill-in flash overcomes troublesome dense shadows and
produces a more balanced exposure between subject and
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