Freezing and storing food
Frozen food can be defrosted in different ways:
–in a microwave oven,
–in an oven using the "Fan" or "Defrost" setting,
–at room temperature,
–in the refrigerator,
–in a steam oven.
Poultry It is particularly important to observe food hygiene rules when defrosting poultry. Do not use the liquid from defrosted poultry. Pour it away and wash the container it was in, the sink and your hands. Danger of salmonella poisoning!
Fruit should be defrosted at room temperature in its packing, or in a covered bowl.
Most vegetables can be cooked while still frozen. Just put straight into boiling water or hot fat. The cooking time is slightly less than that of fresh vegetables due to changes in the cell structure.
Ice cubes
^Fill the ice tray three quarters full with water and place it on the bottom of the freezer.
^Once frozen, use a blunt instrument, for example a spoon handle, to remove the ice tray from the freezer.
^Ice cubes can be removed easily from the tray by twisting the tray gently or by holding it under cold running water for a short while.
Cooling drinks
When cooling drinks quickly, make sure bottles are not left in the freezer for more than one hour, as they could burst.