
Custom settings

In the custom settings mode you can select and change functions. The function possibilities are described in the respective chapters of this manual.


Display text



Temperature unit

°C - °F


(see "Setting the








Module settings


(optional accessory)




Button sound on/off


(see "Settings")




To enter and exit the


Settings mode




Turning the button sound On/Off

If you prefer the buttons to be silent when touched the button sound can be turned off.

￿Touch the access button "￿" so it turns yellow.

￿Touch the sensor button for the refrigerator so it turns yellow.

￿Note the position of the ￿ button, but do not touch.

￿Touch the access button "￿" again so it turns white.

Only the access button "￿" is visible.

￿Place one finger on the position of the ￿ button and hold (the ￿ button will not be visible).

￿While holding down the ￿ button, press the access button "￿" once. Keep holding the ￿ button down until the following appears in the display (approx. 5 seconds).

￿Tap the ￿ button until ￿ appears in the display.

￿Touch the access button "￿" to confirm.


Page 11
Image 11
Miele K 1811 Vi, K 1911 Vi, K 1901 Vi, K 1801 Vi Custom settings, Turning the button sound On/Off, Function Display text