Gj;fkeqcnf9 ds,thbnt dhtvz9 xnj,s ghjxbnfnm dct bycnherwbb9 cjlth;fobtcz d =njv Herjdjlcndt9 xnj,s eljcnjdthbnmcz9 xnj Dfif cbcntvf ljk;ysv j,hfpjv ecnfyjdktyf b yfcnhjtyf lkz jgnbvfkmyjuj pderjdjuj djcghjbpdtltybz7

Gj;fkeqcnf9 cj[hfybnt rfhnjyye. egfrjdre b egfrjdjxyst vfnthbfks lkz bpltkbq vfhrb Mirage9 xnj,s pfobnbnm tuj d ckexft ytj,[jlbvjcnb jnghfdrb d Cthdbc Wtynh lkz htvjynf7 Bpltkbt9 rjnjhjt gjkexbkj gjdht;ltybt ghb ljcnfdrt d Cthdbc Wtynh9 tckb jyj yt ,skj egfrjdfyj d jhbubyfkmye. egfrjdre9 ,eltn jnhtvjynbhjdfyj9 djccnfyjdktyj b ghfdbkmyj egfrjdfyj lkz j,hfnyjq ljcnfdrb9 pf cxtn dkfltkmwf bpltkbz7


Gjplhfdkztv Dfc c ghbj,htntybtv yjdjq cthbb frrecnbxtcrjq cbcntvs vfhrb Mirage. Cfvst kexibt rjvgjytyns b vfnthbfks9 bcgjkmpjdfyyst ghb ghjbpdjlcndt bpltkbz d cjjndtncndbb c pfdjlcrbvb cnfylfhnfvb9 enjyxtyyfz nt[yjkjubz ghjbpdjlcndf b ghjdthrb9 j,tcgtxbdf.n bcrk.xbntkmyjt rfxtcndj djcghjbpdtltybz uhjvrjujdjhbntktq9 cnjbvjcnm. dj vyjuj hfp dsit7 +njn gjl[jl r hfphf,jnrt cthbb Mirage OMNI d htpekmnfnt ghbdtk r pyfxbntkmyjve ekexityb. lbpfqyf d xfcnb djcghjbpdtltybz b =cntnbrb7


Frrecnbxtcrbt cbcntvs b cf,deaths vfhrb Mirage hfphf,jnfys b ghjbpdjlzncz rjvgfybtq Audio Products International Corp79 bpdtcnyjq d ghjvsiktyyjcnb rfr API7 +nf rfyflcrfz rjvgfybz ,skf jcyjdfyf d !(&$ ujle b d yfcnjzott dhtvz zdkztncz jlybv bp rhegytqib[ d vbht ghjbpdjlbntktq frrecnbxtcrb[ cbcntv9 rjnjhst gjcnfdkz.ncz d ,jktt xtv ^) cnhfy7

Nfkfynkbdst cjnhelybrb hf,jnf.n yfl uhjvrjujdjhbntkzvb vfhrb Mirage d rjvfylt bccktljdfntktq b hfphf,jnxbrjd9 rjnjhst bcgjkmpe.n rjvgm.nthysq lbpfqy yfbdscituj ehjdyz9 rjv,bybhez tuj c ntcnbhjdfybtv d hfpkbxys[ gj hfpvthe rjvyfnf[ lkz ghjckeibdfybz b d ,tp=[jds[ cfkjyf[7 Lbyfvbrb vfhrb Mirage ghjbpdjlzncz yf cjdhtvtyyjv ghjvsiktyyjv ghtlghbznbb9 hfcgjkj;tyyjv yf gkjoflb !^% 000 rdflhfnys[ aenjd d ujhjlt Njhjynj9 Rfyflf7 Ghtlfyyfz rjvfylf by;tythjd9 vfhrtnjkjujd b hf,jxb[ cjplfkb jlye bp cfvs[ pfvtxfntkmys[ d vbht vfhjr frrecnbxtcrjq cbcntvs lkz dfituj eljdjkmcndbz jn ghjckeibdfybz vepsrb b ghjcvjnhf ljvfiytuj ntfnhf7 Yfcnfkj dhtvz ecnfyjdbnm dfie frrecnbxtcre. cbcntve b gjkexbnm yfckf;ltybt jn djkit,yjuj pderf Mirage Omnipolar7


Ukfdyfz wtkm cthbb OMNI – =nj j,tcgtxtybt cthbb frrecnbxtcrb[ cbcntv ,jktt tcntcndtyysv b njxysv djghjbpdtltybtv pderf9 rjnjhjt ,s ghtrhfcyj gjl[jlbkj rfr lkz ljvfiytuj ntfnhf9 nfr b lkz ghjckeibdfybz vepsrb7 +nj ,skj ljcnbuyenj bcgjkmpjdfybtv yjdtqitq pfgfntynjdfyyjq nt[yjkjubtq Omnipolar vfhrb Mirage7 Nt[yjkjubz Omnipolar ghjbpdjlbn nfrjt ;t rjkbxtcndj yfghfdktyyjuj b jnhf;tyyjuj pderf9 rfrjt ceotcndetn ghb htfkbcnbxyjv djcghjbpdtltybb vepsrb b dj dhtvz ghjcvjnhf ljvfiytuj ntfnhf7


Nt[yjkjubz Omnipolar bcgjkmpetn tcntcndtyyjt jnhf;tybt rjvyfns lkz cjplfybz ghtrhfcyjuj xedcndf htfkbcnbxtyjcnb7 +nj ljcnbuftncz gjchtlcndjv djccjplfybz nfrjuj ;t cjjnyjitybz ghzvjuj b jnhf;tyyjuj pderf7 Dszdktyj9 xnj dj dctv vbht d nbgbxys[ rjvyfnf[ lkz ghjckeibdfybz &)º jnhf;tyyjuj b #)º

ghzvjuj pderf7 J,sxysq uhjvrjujdjhbntkm ghjlewbhetn njkmrj #)º jnhf;tyyjuj pderf7 Ljgjkybntkmysq jnhf;tyysq pder9 j,tcgtxbdftvsq frrecnbxtcrjq cbcntvjq Mirage Omnipolar9 cjplftn cdt[tcntcndtyysq nht[vthysq pder d dfitv ljvt7


Rhjvt OMNI FX9 dct vjltkb cthbb OMNI bvt.n ldt htitnjxrb7 Dth[yzz htitnrf ghbrhsdftn Omnitech Vjlekm cdth[e9 yb;yzz htitnrf pfrhsdftn gthtly.. xfcnm uhjvrjujdjhbntkz7


Frrecnbxtcrfz cbcntvf cthbb Mirage OMNI cghjtrnbhjdfyf

lkz dscjrjuj bcgjkytybz ghb ibhjrjv vyjujj,hfpbb ecnfyjdrb7 Yfgjvybv njkmrj ytcrjkmrj gjktpys[ cjdtnjd9 rjnjhst vjuen cjltqcndjdfnm vfrcbvfkmyjve djcghjbpdtltyb. pderf d dfib[ eckjdbz[7


Ukfdyjt eckjdbt lkz vtcnjgjkj;tybz lbyfvbrjd =nj ecnfyjdrf b[ yf hfccnjzybb jn ckeifntkz d !7% hfp lfkmit9 xtv hfccnjzybt vt;le lbyfvbrfvb7 Yfghbvth9 tckb bltfkmyjt hfccnjzybt vt;le uhjvrjujdjhbntkzvb vbybvev ^ feet 5!*# cv89 cktljdfntkmyj kexitt hfcgjkj;tybt lbyfvbrjd jn ckeifntkz ,skj ,s

( feet 5@&$ cv87

Bltfkmyfz dscjnf hfcgjkj;tybz lbyfvbrf ghb,kbpbntkmyj yf ehjdyt e[f9 rjulf ckeifntkm yf[jlbncz d gjpbwbb cblz7 Vjltkb OMNI %)9 OMNI ^) bkb OMNI CC9 OMNI FX9 ghtlyfpyfxtyyst lkz hfcgjkj;tybz d cntkf;f[9 cjghjdj;lf.ncz cjjndtncnde.obvb htrjvtylfwbzvb gj ecnfyjdrt7


Ghtlgjkfuftncz xnj wtynhfkmysq rfyfk djcghjbpdjlbn ghbvthyj ^)º pderjdjq ljhj;rb9 ,jkmibycndj bp rjnjhs[ lbfkjub7 Xnj,s cj[hfybnm =aatrn ujkjcf9 bleotuj jn hnf frnthf9 htrjvtyletncz OMNI CC b OMNI FX hfcgjkfufnm hjdyj gjcthtlbyt vt;le ktdsv b ghfdsv OMNI lbyfvbrfvb9 cdth[e bkb cybpe ntktdbpjhf7


Jrhe;f.obt lbyfvbrb ljk;ys ,snm hfcgjkj;tys hzljv b ytcrjkmrj gjpflb jcyjdyjuj vtcnf ghjckeibdfybz yf pflytq bkb ,jrjds[ cntyf[9 kb,j yf gjnjkrt lkz j,tcgtxtybz xedcndf j,≤tvyjcnb pderf b jrhe;f.otuj =aatrnf7


Vfksq hfpvth b Omnipolar cgjcj,cnde.n hfcctbdfyb. vyjujuhfyyjuj wtynhfkmyjuj rfyfkf OMNI %)9 OMNI ^)9 OMNI CC b jrhe;f.ob[ lbyfvbrjd OMNI FX9 lfdfz djpvj;yjcnm bv ,snm kturj ecnfyjdktyysvb yf cntyt7 OMNI FX jcyfoty cgtwbfkmyj cghjtrnbhjdfyysv rhjyintqyjv lkz rhtgktybz yf cntyt7 Rhjvt =njuj9 tcnm ,jkn9 ujkjdrf rjnjhjuj dcnfdkztncz d rhjyintqy b lth;bn OMNI FX7

Wtynhfkmyst rfyfks OMNI %)9 OMNI ^) b OMNI CC cyf,;tys dcnfdrjq9 rjnjhfz ghbcgjcj,ktyf lkz djpvj;yjq ecnfyjdrb rhjyintqyf Macromount yf cntyt7 Eybdthcfkmysq rhjyintqy Macromount cyf,;ty cfvsv ghjxysv cntyysv rhtgktybtv7 Ghb jrjyxfntkmyjq c,jhrt tuj hfpvth #3* inch7 Jy bvttn !^ dnekjr c htpm,jq9 hfcgjkj;tys[ yf pflytq cnjhjyt egjvzyens[ vjltktq OMNI7

Htrjvtyletvfz dscjnf ecnfyjdrb lbyfvbrf ghbvthyj ^ feet7 Jlyfrj9 ,sdf.n cbnefwbb9 rjulf =nj ytdjpvj;yj7 Tckb lbyfvbrb cthbb OMNI pfrhtgktys yf cntyt yf dscjnt dsit ^ feet9 nj


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Mirage Loudspeakers OMNI CC, OMNI 60, OMNI 50 owner manual Mirage Omni Cthbz

OMNI 60, OMNI 50, OMNI CC specifications

The Mirage Loudspeakers OMNI CC, OMNI 50, and OMNI 60 represent a leap forward in audio technology, designed to deliver high-quality sound while enhancing the home theater experience. Each model features distinct characteristics that cater to varying needs, yet all embody the brand’s commitment to superior sound reproduction.

Starting with the OMNI CC, this center channel speaker is engineered for precise dialogue clarity and immersive soundstage capabilities. Its unique design allows for a broader sweet spot, making it easier to experience clear audio from anywhere in the room. The OMNI CC utilizes proprietary technologies like the OMNIDIRECTIONAL soundfield, which disperses sound in a 360-degree pattern. This feature ensures that whether you're sitting directly in front of the speaker or off to the side, the audio experience remains consistent and impactful.

Next in line, the OMNI 50 is a compact yet powerful bookshelf speaker that excels in versatility. It features a 5.25-inch polypropylene woofer, which delivers deep bass response without sacrificing mid-range clarity. Integrated with a 1-inch aluminum dome tweeter, the OMNI 50 offers crisp highs, making it an ideal choice for both music and movie enthusiasts. The distinctive design not only enhances acoustic performance but also adds a touch of elegance to any room.

Then there’s the OMNI 60, which elevates the performance further with a more robust build. This floor-standing speaker is equipped with dual 6.5-inch woofers that provide extended low-frequency output, perfect for those who crave a full-bodied sound experience. The OMNI 60 also employs advanced crossover technologies to ensure seamless transitions between frequencies, which enhances the overall clarity and balance of audio playback.

Across the board, these speakers are built with high-quality components and finished with a sleek aesthetic, making them as much a visual centerpiece as they are a functional audio solution. With their advanced technologies and thoughtful engineering, the Mirage Loudspeakers OMNI series is set to redefine expectations in home audio systems, offering immersive soundscapes for any listener. Whether you're enjoying a cinematic experience or simply listening to your favorite playlist, the OMNI CC, OMNI 50, and OMNI 60 speakers deliver exceptional audio quality that enhances every moment.