htitnrb ljk;ys ,snm yfghfdktys dybp7 Tckb lbyfvbrb cthbb OMNI hfcgjkj;tys yf dscjnt yb;t ^ feet9 nj htitnrb ljk;ys ,snm yfghfdktys ddth[7


Lbyfvbrb vjltkb OMNI FX vjuen ,snm pfrhtgktys yf gjnjkrt gjchtlcndjv bcgjkmpjdfybz rhjyintqyf Macromount b cgtwbfkmys[ pf;bvjd9 rjnjhst yt ghbvtyz.ncz lkz rhtgktybz yf cntyt7 Lbyfvbrb vjltktq OMNI FX, OMNI 50, OMNI 60 b OMNI CC cyf,;tys dnekrjq9 ghbcgjcj,ktyyjq lkz djpvj;yjuj rhtgktybz r gjnjkre gjchtlcndjv rhjyintqyf Macromount7 Eybdthcfkmysq rhjyintqy Macromount cyf,;ty cfvsv ghjxysv gjnjkjxysv rhtgktybtv7 Ghb jrjyxfntkmyjq c,jhrt tuj hfpvth #3* inch7 Jy bvttn !^ dnekjr c htpm,jq9 hfcgjkj;tys[ yf pflytq cnjhjyt egjvzyens[ vjltktq OMNI7 Ytj,[jlbvj njkmrj gthtvtcnbnm htpbyjdjt kjuj Mirage yf d[jlyjq nthvbyfk lbyfvbrf9 xnj,s jnrhsnm dnekre7

Hfcgjkj;bnt lbyfvbr nfrbv j,hfpjv9 xnj,s vjlekm OMNITECH bkb xfcnm lbyfvbrf9 d rjnjhjq cjlth;fncz vtv,hfys9 ,skb yfghfdktys r vtcne yf[j;ltybz ckeifntktq7


Vfksq hfpvth b Omnipolar cgjcj,cnde.n hfcctbdfyb. vyjujuhfyyjuj wtynhfkmyjuj rfyfkf OMNI %)9 OMNI ^)9 OMNI CC b jrhe;f.ob[ lbyfvbrjd OMNI FX9 lfdfz djpvj;yjcnm bv ,snm kturj ecnfyjdktyysvb d ryb;yjv irfae b lheub[ vtcnf[7

D =njv ckexft gjkj;bnt vzure. bpjkzwbjyye. ghjrkflre9 ghtlecvjnhtyye. lkz yb;ytq xfcnb lbyfvbrf9 xnj,s j,tcgtxbnm bpjkzwb. uhjvrjujdjhbntkz jn gjkrb b ecnhfybnm hfcghjcnhfytybt htpjyfycf7 Lkz njuj xnj,s gjntywbfk hfcctbdfybz Omnipolar ,sk vfrcbvfkmysv gjcnfdmnt lbyfvbr rfr vj;yj ,kb;t r gthtlytq xfcnb irfaf7


OMNI @%)9 OMNI @^) jcyfotys jcyjdysv yf,jhjv bycnhevtynjd9 xnj,s ekexibnm djcghjbpdtltybt ,fcjd dfituj lbyfvbrf7 +njn

yf,jh drk.xftn d ct,z6



@ – Gthtlybt Jcyjdfybz

$ – Gjrhsirb

@ – Jcyjdfybz c rktqrjq

$ -

!" lthtdzyyst iehegs

nskmyjq cnjhjyjq

$ -

Htpbyjdst fvjhnbpfnjhs

@ - Vfibyyst ,jkns

@ - J,sxyjq lkbys inshb

c rheukjq ujkjdrjq


lkz gthtlytq jcyjds

@- Jxtym lkbyyst inshb lkz pflytq jcyjds $ – Ifq,s

! – Ghjrkflrf gjcnfdkztncz njkmrj c vjltkm. OMNI @^)

Cktleqnt bycnherwbzv9 ghbrhtgktyysv r jcyjdfyb. dfituj lbyfvbrf6

!87 Gjdthybnt lbyfvbr dth[ytq xfcnm. dybp b hfcgjkj;bnt gthtlytt jcyjdfybt cdth[e9 yfvtxtyys[ cdthkjv9 lshjxtr7

@87 Drhenbnt @ vfibyys[ ,jknf d ldf ,jkmib[ jndthcnbz gj jlyjq yf rf;ljq jcyjdt7

#87 Tckb ds ghbj,htkb vjltkm OMNI @^)9 gjkj;bnt ghjrkflre d jnrhsnjt ghjcnhfycndj vt;le ldevz jcyjdfybzvb7

$87 Drhenbnt $ lthtdzyys[ iehegf d ldf vfktymrb[ jndthcnbz9 gj ldf d rf;ljt jcyjdfybt7 Lkz vjltkb OMNI @^) =nb iehegs ,elen ,tpjgfcys lf;t lkz ghjrkflrb7

%87 Xnj,s ghbcjtlbybnm pfly.. xfcnm jcyjdfybz9 cyfxfkf yfcflbnt yfhtpre veans yf cfvsq lkbyysq inshm7 Pfntv pfrhenbnt ifq,e cdth[e inshz nfr9 xnj,s jyf gjlgbhfkf veane7 Gjckt =njuj drhenbnt inshm xthtp jcyjdfybt7

Hfcgjkj;bnt ljk;ysv j,hfpjv inshm yfl dcnfdrjq9 ult jy ,eltn kexit dctuj gjl[jlbnm9 jnltkbnt gjrhsnbt rktqrjq cnjhjys jcyjds b ghbcjtlbybnt tt r lbyfvbre7

^87 Ds vj;tnt ghbcjtlbybnm jlby bp lde[ chtlytq lkbys inshtq r gthtlytve jcyjdfyb.9 ;tkfntkmyj yf gjke gjrhsnjv rjdhjv9 kb,j yf htpbyjdst ghjrkflrb lkz lthtdzyyjuj gjkf bkb lheub[ kturj gjdht;lftvs[ gjdth[yjcntq7

&87 Hfcgjkj;bnt uhjvrjujdjhbntkm cghfdf b njxyj nfr ;t pfrhtgbnt dnjhjq lbyfvbr7

OMNI %)9 OMNI ^)9 OMNI FX b OMNI CC jcyfotys htpbyjdsvb bpjkzwbjyysvb jcyjdfvb7 Jnltkbnt gjrhsnbt rktqrjq cnjhjys jcyjds b ghbcjtlbybnt tuj r lbyfvbre7


Lbyfvbrb cthbb Mirage OMNI cyf,;tys dbynjdsvb rktvvfvb dscjrjuj rfxtcndf9 rjnjhst gjpdjkz.n bcgjkmpjdfnm cjtlbytybt nbgf ,fyfy9 gfer9 f nfr;t ytbpjkbhjdfyyjt cjtlbytybt7 Gjdthybnt ghjnbd xfcjdjq cnhtkrb9 xnj,s hfp;fnm b gj xfcjdjq cnhtkrt9 xnj,s pf;fnm7

Gjlcjtlbytybt ghjdjlf lbyfvbrf jn gjkj;bntkmyjuj nthvbyfkf yf ecbkbntkt 5Rhfcysq ≠8 r gjkj;bntkmyjve nthvbyfke yf lbyfvbrt 5Rhfcysq ≠87 Cjtlbybnt jnhbwfntkmysq nthvbyfk 5Xthysq -8 yf ecbkbntkt c ytufnbdysv nthvbyfkjv 5Xthysq -8 yf lbyfvbrt7

OMNI @^)

Nbg cbcntvs

Omnipolar <kjr9 pfobotyysq jn


vfuybnyjuj djpltqcndbz



Xfcnjnyfz [fhfrnthbcnbrf

#% Hz-@)KHz9 ≠3- #dB



Htghjlernjh dscjrjuj njyf

!" 5@%mm8 PTHXbcnfz Nbnfyjdfz Cvtcm

Htghjlernjh ybprjuj njyf

Ldf ^ !\@" cvtcm gjkbghjgbktyf


c nbnfyjdsv gjrhsnbtv



Njxrf Rhjccjdthf





(# dB







Htrjvtyletvfz vjoyjcnm





jn #) lj @%) Dn RMS3Rfyfk




Gznbcnjhjyybt nthvbyfks dscjrjuj rfxtcndf




inch7 42 x 9 x 15


cv7 107 [ 23 [ 38



Wdtn rjhgecf

Xthysq b wdtnf dbiyb




55 lb bkb


25 ru7



OMNI @%)

Nbg cbcntvs

Omnipolar <kjr9 pfobotyysq jn


vfuybnyjuj djpltqcndbz



Xfcnjnyfz [fhfrnthbcnbrf

$) Hz-@)KHz9 ≠3- #dB



Htghjlernjh dscjrjuj njyf

!" 5@%mm8 PTHXbcnfz Nbnfyjdfz Cvtcm

Htghjlernjh ybprjuj njyf

Ldf % !\@" cvtcm gjkbghjgbktyf


c nbnfyjdsv gjrhsnbtv



Njxrf Rhjccjdthf





(# dB




Page 27
Image 27
Mirage Loudspeakers OMNI 60, OMNI 50, OMNI CC owner manual Ecnfyjdrf YF Gjnjkrt

OMNI 60, OMNI 50, OMNI CC specifications

The Mirage Loudspeakers OMNI CC, OMNI 50, and OMNI 60 represent a leap forward in audio technology, designed to deliver high-quality sound while enhancing the home theater experience. Each model features distinct characteristics that cater to varying needs, yet all embody the brand’s commitment to superior sound reproduction.

Starting with the OMNI CC, this center channel speaker is engineered for precise dialogue clarity and immersive soundstage capabilities. Its unique design allows for a broader sweet spot, making it easier to experience clear audio from anywhere in the room. The OMNI CC utilizes proprietary technologies like the OMNIDIRECTIONAL soundfield, which disperses sound in a 360-degree pattern. This feature ensures that whether you're sitting directly in front of the speaker or off to the side, the audio experience remains consistent and impactful.

Next in line, the OMNI 50 is a compact yet powerful bookshelf speaker that excels in versatility. It features a 5.25-inch polypropylene woofer, which delivers deep bass response without sacrificing mid-range clarity. Integrated with a 1-inch aluminum dome tweeter, the OMNI 50 offers crisp highs, making it an ideal choice for both music and movie enthusiasts. The distinctive design not only enhances acoustic performance but also adds a touch of elegance to any room.

Then there’s the OMNI 60, which elevates the performance further with a more robust build. This floor-standing speaker is equipped with dual 6.5-inch woofers that provide extended low-frequency output, perfect for those who crave a full-bodied sound experience. The OMNI 60 also employs advanced crossover technologies to ensure seamless transitions between frequencies, which enhances the overall clarity and balance of audio playback.

Across the board, these speakers are built with high-quality components and finished with a sleek aesthetic, making them as much a visual centerpiece as they are a functional audio solution. With their advanced technologies and thoughtful engineering, the Mirage Loudspeakers OMNI series is set to redefine expectations in home audio systems, offering immersive soundscapes for any listener. Whether you're enjoying a cinematic experience or simply listening to your favorite playlist, the OMNI CC, OMNI 50, and OMNI 60 speakers deliver exceptional audio quality that enhances every moment.