Personalizing Your Phone
Page 24 Mitel® 5360 IP Phone User Guide – Issue 2, February 2011
Using the Dialpad Buttons to Enter Characters
You can use the dialpad buttons to enter text or numbers for features such as Do-Not-Disturb
(see page 69) and Station Speed Dial (see page 38).
The following are guidelines when entering dialpad characters:
 Press (Message) to switch from Alpha Mode to Numeric Mode. The (Message)
button stays lit in Alpha Mode and is off in Numeric Mode.
 Press (Hold) to move the cursor to the left and delete characters.
 Press (Transfer) to move the cursor to the right.
 In Numeric Mode, press # for a hyphen (-).
 In Numeric Mode, press * for a colon (:).
 Press #, (Speaker), or lift and replace the handset to save entries.
To use the dialpad to enter characters:
Press the dialpad buttons as shown in the following table.
For example, to enter May 31, you could use the following sequence:
1. In Alpha Mode ( [Message] button is li t), press 6 once to enter an “M.”
2. Press 2 five times to enter an “a.”
3. Press 9 eight times to enter a “y.”
4. Press (Transfer) to enter a space.
5. Press (Message) to switch to Numeric Mode.
6. Press 3.
7. Press 1.
8. Press (Speaker), #, or lift the handset to save the entry.
Dialpad Characters — American English and British English
Number of Times Dialpad Button is Pressed
Button 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
2ABC2ab c
3DEF3 d e f
4GHI 4 g h i
5JKL5j k l
6MNO6m n o
7PQRS7 p q r s
8TUV8 t uv