Setting up the GS FX (Optimum Performance)
12 volt Trigger.
When DVD soundtracks are made, they are done so with the original cinema reproduction in mind. In movie theatres, there are a greater number of speakers than discreet channels. Because of this, you get an effect that encompasses the viewer a lot more, and the imaging from front to back, and left to right is a lot more seamless. The closest to a cinema the majority of people can practically have is a 7.1 system. This is where the 12 volt trigger comes into its own.
When you have a 7.1 system set up, and the DVD that is being played has been set up to recognise 7.1, the AV amplifier will see this and switch the speaker to dipole mode via the 12 volt trigger. If the DVD is only 5.1, the AV amplifier will also see this and not send the signal to the GSFX, therefore enabling it as a full range speaker.
The trigger inputs can be seen in the below image, above the speaker terminals. This is connected to your AV amplifier/ receiver, and determines the mode of the GSFX (mono/ dipole). For the trigger to work, the monopole/ dipole switch on the front needs to be set to ‘monopole’. Please refer to your AV amplifier manual for further instruction.
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