Chapter 2: Network Setup
6 Observe the following prompt:
Do you want to use this machine as a DNS server?
Enter yes.
7 Observe the following prompt:
Do you want to continue with the installation of bind and associated files?
Enter yes.
If this prompt is not displayed, continue to Step 8.
8 Observe the following prompt:
The default DNS domain suffix to be used is meshnetworks.net
Do you want to change this? [yes or no]
Enter no.
9 Observe the following prompt:
Do you want to start the DNS server?
Enter yes.
10 Observe the following prompt:
Do you want to configure this machine to run a TFTP server? [yes or no]
Enter yes.
11 Observe the following prompt:
Do you want to configure this machine to run a Time server? [yes or no].
Enter No.
12 Observe the following prompt:
Do you want to install the r0k daemon on this machine?
Enter Yes.
When you enter yes, you will be asked for the location of the r0k config file. The r0k
daemon is required when using EAP-TTLS Secure Mesh.
13 Observe the following prompt:
Starting installer for r0k daemon
Enter binary installation directory [/opt/r0kd]:
Enter /opt/MotoMeshDuo _setup/.
It will show the install locations, and then prompt for the install start.