Symbol Chart
Use this chart as a guide for entering characters in symbol method.
1space . ? ! , @ _ & ~ : ; " - ( ) ' ¿ ¡ % £ $ ¥
2@ _ \
3/ : ;
4" & '
5 | ( ) [ ] { } |
6 | ¿ ¡ ~ |
7< > =
8$ £ ¥
9# % *
0+ - x * / \ [ ] = > < # §
Locking and Unlocking Your Phone
You can lock your phone manually or set the phone to lock automatically whenever you turn it off.
A locked phone still rings or vibrates for incoming calls or messages, but you must unlock it to answer. To use a locked phone, enter the unlock code.
You can make emergency calls on your phone even when it is locked (see page 38).
Learning to Use Your Phone