TABLE 1. LCD Command Codes

Command codes are used for LCD setup and control of character and cursor position. All
command codes are written to LCD panel address $B5F0. The BUSY flag (bit 7) should be
tested before any command updates to verify that any previous command is completed. A
read of the command address $B5F0 will return the BUSY flag status and the current display
character location address.
Command Code Delay
Clear Display, Cursor to Home $01 1.65ms
Cursor to Home $02 1.65ms
Entry Mode:
Cursor Decrement, Shift off $04 40us
Cursor Decrement, Shift on $05 40us
Cursor Increment, Shift off $06 40us
Cursor Increment, Shift on $07 40us
Display Control:
Display, Cursor, and Cursor Blink off $08 40us
Display on, Cursor and Cursor Blink off $0C 40us
Display and Cursor on, Cursor Blink off $0E 40us
Display, Cursor, and Cursor Blink on $0F 40us
Cursor / Display Shift: (nondestructive move)
Cursor shift left $10 40us
Cursor shift right $14 40us
Display shift left $18 40us
Display shift right $1C 40us
Display Function (default 2x40 size) $3C 40us
Character Generator Ram Address set $40-$7F 40us
Display Ram Address and set cursor location $80- $FF 40us

TABLE 2. LCD Character Codes

$20 Space $2D -$3A :$47 G$54 T$61 a $6E n$7B {
$21 !$2E .$3B ;$48 H$55 U$62 b $6F o$7C |
$22 $2F /$3C {$49 I$56 V$63 c$70 p $7D }
$23 # $30 0 $3D =$4A J$57 W$64 d $71 q $7E >
$24 $ $31 1 $3E }$4B K$58 X$65 e $72 r$7F <
$25 %$32 2 $3F ?$4C L $59 Y$66 f$73 s
$26 &$33 3 $40 Time $4D M$5A Z$67 g $74 t
$27 $34 4 $41 A$4E N$5B [$68 h $75 u
$28 ($35 5 $42 B$4F O$5C Yen $69 i$76 v
$29 )$36 6 $43 C$50 P$5D ]$6A j$77 w
$2A *$37 7 $44 D$51 Q$5E ^$6B k$78 x
$2B +$38 8 $45 E$52 R$5F _$6C l$79 y
$2C ,$39 9 $46 F$53 S$60 `$6D m$7A z