Private/Group Mode
Nextel Direct Connect®
Nextel Direct Connect is a revolutionary way to communicate with your co-
workers and clients...for a fraction of the cost of traditional cellular calls.
You may want to talk to a co-worker right away, but you dont want to page that
person or leave a lengthy message. With Nextel Direct Connects Private Call
feature, you can find them wherever they are in your home coverage area.
Or, maybe you need to communicate a last-minute schedule change to your
sales people... all 100 of them. Its easy with Nextel Direct Connects Group
Call. This digital two-way radio feature lets you contact all of them at once!
In addition, Nextel has created Nextel Business NetworksSM, which allows you
to communicate with individuals outside as well as inside your company. These
Networks link Nextel customers in similar industries or g e og rap h i c re g i on s . So ,
if you need to reach a client, vendor, or contractor instantly, work smarter by
joining the Nextel Business Networks. For more information, call 1-888-
NEXTEL2 (1-888-639-8352).
NOTE:Nextel Direct Connect® will only work in your home market area.
This section includes everything you will need to know to take advantage of
Nextel Direct Connect (two-way radio) service:
Using the Private/Group Speaker Page74
Placing Private Calls Page74
Receiving Private Calls Page75
Quickstore of Private IDs Page75
Sending a Call Alert Page76
Receiving/Responding to a Call Alert Page76
Call Alert Queuing Page77
Group Calls Page77
Group-Silent Programming Page79