2Active Phone Line: $ indicates that the phone line is ready to make calls.
3Speaker On/Off: Sounds associated with
4Ringer Vibe/Off: Your phone is set to ring.
5 Message Indicator: Shows when
you receive a text message or voicemail message.
6Packet Data: Your phone is ready to transfer packet data or is transferring packet data when it shows a blinking arrow.
7Battery Charge Indicator: A fuller battery indicates a greater charge. Recharge the battery when your phone shows Low Battery.
main menu
All your phone’s features can be accessed through the main menu. You can set the main menu to appear as Icon View or List View.
Find it: /> R Settings > Display/Info > Menu View
text entry
Your phone provides convenient ways to enter words, letters, punctuation, and numbers whenever you are prompted to enter text (for example, when adding a contact entry or when text messaging).
change the character input method
1When you see a screen where you can enter text, press /to change the character input method.
basics 27