About Phonebook Entries
6If you want to assign a voice name* to the number:M*Optional feature. Please consult your serviceprovider for availability of purchase.With the Voice Name field highlighted,press B under RECORD.
As directed by the screen prompts, say and repeat the name you want to assign to the number. Speak clearly into the microphone.
An ) icon appears in the Voice Name field indicating that the voice name has been recorded.
USER TIP: For best results, record in a quiet environment.
7If you want to store more phone numbers to the name associated with this Phonebook entry:
Press R to scroll to the bottom of the Type field and then press B under
A new Type field appears for the additional number.
Enter the information for the additional phone number using step 3 through step 7.
NOTE: Each name in your Phonebook may have up to seven phone numbers one Private ID associated with it.