•By Permission — When an application attempts to view your phone’s location, you will be prompted to give permission. However, a different privacy protection mechanism may apply to those customers who purchase a dispatch application.
NOTE: Privacy options do not apply to the transmission of location information during emergency 911 calls.
To set your GPS privacy options:
1From the GPS screen, press R to scroll to Privacy.
2Press B under SELECT.
3If your GPS PIN security feature is enabled, enter your GPS PIN. (See “Setting the GPS PIN Security Feature” on page 100 for more information.)
4Press S to scroll to the privacy setting you want.
5Press B under SELECT.
Setting the GPS PIN Security Feature
To prevent your GPS privacy settings from being altered without your knowledge, your GPS privacy option can be protected by a PIN.
When you receive your phone, the GPS security feature is turned off, so you do not have to enter a GPS PIN to access your GPS privacy options. If you turn this feature on, you will be required to enter a GPS PIN to access your GPS privacy options.
To turn the GPS Enabled security feature on or off:
1At the Ready screen, press m and then press R to scroll to Settings.
2Press B under SELECT.
3Press R to scroll to Security and press B under SELECT.
4Press R to scroll to GPS PIN and press B under SELECT.