USB Interface 7-5
USB Host ParametersUSB Device Type
Select the desired USB device type.
•HID Keyboard Emulation (default) - This device type allows the scanner to emulate a USB keyboard. When a bar code is
successfully decoded, bar code data is transmitted to the console as if the data was typed on a keyboard. No special drivers
are required as HID Keyboard Emulation is supported by most USB drivers.
•IBM Tabl e Top USB - This device type is used with table top scanners connecting to a cash register with IBM OEM
specification compliant drivers (supplied by the cash register vendor). IBM Tab le To p U SB requires drivers supplied by the
Point-of-Service (POS) device vendor. Check with the POS vendor to verify the drivers used.
•IBM Hand-Held USB - This device type is used with hand-held scanners connecting to a cash register with IBM OEM
specification compliant drivers (supplied by the cash register vendor). IBM Hand-Held USB requires drivers supplied by
the Point-of-Service (POS) device vendor. Check with the POS vendor to verify the drivers used.
When connecting two scanners to a host, IBM does not permit the selection of two of the same device types.
When two connections are required, select IB M Tab le To p US B for one scanner and IBM Hand-Held
USB for the second scanner.
•USB OPOS Hand-Held - This device type is used with Symbol’s OPOS/JPOS compliant drivers, which can be downloaded
from Symbol’s Software Developer Zone at Motorola only supports one OPOS connection per
•Simple COM Port Emulation - This device type requires a Motorola driver download from the Software Developer Zone
at When the scanner is connected to the host the next available comm port is automatically
selected, emulating a one-way RS-232 connection. No handshaking is supported. No baud settings are required.
When changing USB Device Types, the scanner automatically restarts. The scanner issues the standard
startup beep sequences.
*HID Keyboard Emulation