Scanning 2-3
This chapter covers the techniques involved in scanning bar codes, beeper and LED definitions, and general instructions and tips about
An omni scan pattern provides rapid, orientation-free scanning. Scanning can be done as either a hands-free or hand-held operation.
To scan a bar code, direct it in toward the window of the scanner (“presentation” scanning, see Figure 2-4 on page 2-5) or from side
to side in a sweeping motion (“swipe” scanning, see Figure 2-5 on page 2-5).
1. Ensure all cable connections are secure.
2. Place the scanner in the stand (see Figure 2-1).

Figure 2-1. Scanner in the Stand

To mount the detachable stand, see Mounting Template on page 2-9.
3. To scan a bar code, present the bar code and ensure the scan lines cross every bar and space of the symbol. See Figure 2-2
on page 2-4 for scanning in hands-free mode and Figure 2-3 on page 2-4 for scanning in hand-held mode.
4. Upon successful decode, the scanner beeps and the green LED flashes momentarily.