II.ML User Application Upgrade Procedure
1.Confirm the version number of the existing ML910 ML User Applications (MLUA) is 4.7 or earlier.
a.Double click on the ML User Application icon in the System Tray
b.Check the version as highlighted below.
2.Uninstall the existing version of these ML Applications.
a.Click Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.
b.Select ML User Application and click Remove to uninstall.
c.If ML Administrator Application is installed, select it and click Remove to uninstall.
d.Select MLService and click Remove to uninstall.
3.The ML APPLICATION folder (on the disc) should include the following:
a.MLSERVICE folder
b.MLUA folder
c.VCREDIST_X86.EXE (Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Runtime Libraries)
These executables may be run directly from the upgrade disc or downloaded to the target system and run from there, if you choose.
4.Locate and
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