Find it: /> j > My Music.
1Scroll through songs and folders while loading is going on the background.
2Scroll to a music file or folder and press K under Play or r.
The following options become available through the navigation panel:
Pause and Resume: Press K under Pause or r to pause, and press K under Play or rto resume playing paused music files.
Skip to Next or Previous: Press and release the navigation key right or left to skip to the next or previous music file.
Fast Forward and Rewind: Press and hold the navigation key right or left for 2 seconds to fast forward or to rewind.
50main attractions
set up the music player
Find it: /> j > My Music > / > Setup
The music player can be set up with the following options by pressing / > Setup:
Shuffle: Lets you set the music player to play the music files in a list or folder in random order.
Repeat: Lets you set the music player to play one or all the music files in a list or folder repeatedly.
Visuals: Lets you choose among different types of visual equalizers which sync with the Music.
3D Music: Lets you experience surround effects when the handset is tethered to a stereo headset.
Setting the 3D Music feature to On, allows you to select effects from the list of Music Reverbs.