Album View: Lets you choose to view either a list view or an image view.
Auto Update: Lets you reload all music files every time you launch My Music. If you set Auto Update to Off, it will follow the last known music library configuration in order to save loading time.
Equalizer: Lets you customize the sound of the music player.
View: Lets you choose between Default view and Folder view.
Music Reverbs: Lets you choose a 3D sound effect for use with the 3D Music feature.
work with playlists
Playlists are lists of music files you create from the files already available through My Music.
Playlists enable you to organize music files, but they do not change anything in other folders or on the memory card. Adding or deleting a file on a playlist does not copy, delete or move it.
create a playlist
Find it: /> j > My Music > Playlists > [Create New].
1Enter a playlist name.
Note: If you do not assign a name, the playlist is named Playlist followed by a number. For example, the first playlist you create without naming is automatically named
2Select [Add Songs]. A list of all music files appears.
Tip: For options to help you sort through this list, press /.
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