podcast details, but does not play the podcast. To play the podcast, press K under Play. After you begin playing the podcast, pressing rpauses and resumes the podcast.
•If the podcast you are playing contains highlights, pressing and releasing the ; right or left skips to the next or previous highlight within the podcast, or to the beginning or end of the podcast.
Highlights are portions of a podcast that are marked to help you find them more easily. You can use the music player to add and delete highlight markers. Press and release (don’t hold) the ; right or left to find them.
You can play all the highlights in a podcast and skip everything that is not marked as a highlight using Highlights Only.
add a highlight marker
1While playing a Podcast press />
Add Highlights.
2Press K under On to mark the beginning.
3Go to the point in the podcast that you want to mark as the end of the highlight and press K under Off.
4Press K under Back.
Tip: Highlight markers can be deleted by pressing / > Clear or pressing />
Edit Highlights > / > Clear All Highlights from the
Podcasts menu.
Find it: /> j> My Music > Podcasts > /> Forward Details > Send.
background music
Your handset has the capability to play music in the background while you are accessing other features like Settings, Media Center, Bluetooth,