P110 Portable Radios | Licensing Information |
In Mexico contact:
Secretaria De Communicaciones Y Transportes
Direccion General De Politicas
Y Normas De Communicaciones
Av. Eugenia No.
Mexico, D.F. 06700
In Singapore contact:
Telecommunications Authority of Singapore 3rd Storey Comcenter
31 Exeter Road
Singapore, 0923 Singapore
In Japan contact:
Communications Research Laboratory Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications MKK Building
Yashio, Shinagawaku Tokyo, 140 Japan
In Hong Kong Contact:
Hong Kong Telecommunications Authority Telecommunications Branch
Post Office, Hong Kong 6/F Sincere Building
173 Des Voeux Road Central Hong Kong
In other countries, contact your local Radius dealer for licensing information.
March, 1996 | 35 |