change home keys
Change features for the soft keys, navigation key, and smart key in the home screen:
M> w Settings > Personalize > Home Screen
>Home Keys
Note: This option is not available if your home screen shows scrolling headlines from your service provider. To turn off headlines, go to the Home Screen menu and select Headlines > Off.
Create a shortcut to a menu item:
Scroll to the menu item, then press and hold M.
Use a shortcut:
Press M, then press the shortcut number.
master reset
Reset all options except unlock code, security code, and lifetime timer:
M> w Settings > Initial Setup > Master Reset
master clear
Caution: Master clear erases all information you have entered (including
phonebook and datebook entries) and content you have downloaded (including photos and sounds) stored in your phone’s memory. After you erase the information, you can’t recover it.
M> w Settings > Initial Setup > Master Clear
call times & costs
Network connection time is the elapsed time from the moment you connect to your