Products and Accessories
Products | Length of Coverage |
Covered |
Products and | One (1) year from the date |
Accessories as | of purchase by the first |
defined above, | consumer purchaser of the |
unless otherwise | product unless otherwise |
provided for below. | provided for below. |
Decorative | Limited lifetime warranty |
Accessories and | for the lifetime of ownership |
Cases. Decorative | by the first consumer |
covers, bezels, | purchaser of the product. |
PhoneWrap™ |
covers and cases. |
Products | Length of Coverage |
Covered |
Monaural | Limited lifetime warranty |
Headsets. Ear | for the lifetime of ownership |
buds and boom | by the first consumer |
headsets that | purchaser of the product. |
transmit mono |
sound through a |
wired connection. |
Consumer and | Ninety (90) days from the |
Professional | date of purchase by the first |
consumer purchaser of the | |
Accessories. | product. |
Products and | The balance of the |
Accessories that | original warranty or for |
are Repaired or | ninety (90) days from the |
Replaced. | date returned to the |
| consumer, whichever is |
| longer. |