•If the problem persists, please contact Cingular customer care at
free channels
Every Cingular customer with a Motorola V557 will receive free channels,including national news, national sports, and “What’s Hot” from Cingular MEdia Net.
Tip: You can also get a free subscription to your local weather from The Weather Channel (see “Subscribe to More Content” below).
fast navigation
Press S right or left to move to the previous or next headline.
Hold down S left or right to jump between Channels.
From the headline in the Ticker, press the center key s to view an Intro.
Press More to launch the browser and access the Full Detail.
Tip: The scroll speed for the headline text can be changed via Ticker > Display > Animation.
Tip: Press Ticker from the home screen to access the main menu for the service.
subscribe to more content
1From the home screen, press Ticker > Add New Channel and press Select (this will launch the browser).
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