Quick Sta rt Chapter 2
MPC User Manual Rev 0D 17
A typical configurat ion would result from the following steps (see also Figure 2 on Page 16):
1. Place the MPC on a desk or other suitable work surface.
2. Connect the output of a power source to the Power Input port on the back of the MPC.
3. Connect a GPS antenna to the GPS Antenna In connect or on the back of the MPC.
4. Connect an appropriate cable from the back of the MPC (PPP, Ethernet or Modem port) to
your intended internet or intranet connection source.
5. Press the power button.
6. Conf igure your i ntended i nternet con nection us ing the VFD menu s. The MPC su pports many
options for internet connectivity, please s ee Section 4.2, Conf iguring the Network starting on
Page 25 for details.
7. Monitor the MPC status using the VFD menu s.
8. Obtain the MPC IP address given by your internet provider, as displayed by the VFD or
provided by your MPC Administrator, to use as a URL to go to the Modulated Pr ecision Clock
website for your MPC receiver using a PC. The following is a fictional example:
*Your Network Administrator may wish to provide you with a “STATIC” IP location on your
internal network (intran et) and associate this IP address with a name, for example “MPC1”, in
your Domain Name Server (DNS). In this case, you would access your MPC’s web page via the
URL: http://mpc1/
9. Browse to the Modulated Precision Clock website.
10. The Modulated Precision Clock website for your MPC now becomes your user interface
where you can set up logging, mod ify con figurat ions, view logging summaries and pl ots, and
download data.
The sections of Chapter 3, MPC Se t up Considerations starting on Page 18 give further details on
Steps #2 to #5, while Chapter 5, VFD Menus starting on Page 40 gives details on the menu s in Steps
#6 & #7, Section 4.2, Config uring the Networ k starting on Page 25 helps with Step #6 , and Modulated
Precision Clock Website on Page 49 is devoted to Steps #8 and #9.
*The MPC is designed for continuous operation. However, if you need to power down the unit, it
is recommended that you always use the MPC Shutdown Type menu, see Page 45. Then give the
internal operating system a few minutes to flush its cache buffers to the hard drive, and turn off
the power at the power switch.