Software Pr ogra ms Chapte r 6
MPC User Manual Rev 0D 73
Each GPS week is shown in the far left of the screen. There are also three rows for each GPS week
that show:
date The regular calendar dates for the week
ydate Each corresponding number of days into the year for each day of
the week
mjd The Modifi ed Julian Day (MJ F) is defined as the J ulian Day minus
2400000.5. For any date in the 20th and 21st centuries, the MJD
will be at most five decimal digits long. The Julian Period, an
interval of 7980 years, began at 12 noon, January 1, 4713 BC and
will end at 12 noon, January 1, 3268 AD.
You can go back or forward through the calendar months by using the Go Back and Go Forward
buttons. Alternatively you can select a calendar month and year from their respective drop down
boxes and then click on the Go button.
The Home button will return you to the Modulated Precision Clock home page (Figure 43 on
Page 49) so if you have decided on a GPS week number, cli ck on your int ernet bro wsers back button
to return you to the Download Files window (Figure 73 on Page 72). From here you can now cli ck on
the GPS week button of your choice. The Choose File to Download window appears as seen in
Figure 75.
Figure 75: Choose File to Download
Click on the link for the f ile you wish to download.
Click on the GO FTP link, see Figure 73 on Page 72, to go to the FTP address you specified in the
Logging Setup window’s Send File(s) to Remote FTP field. See also Section, Logging Setup
on Page 51.
Click on the OK button retur n to the Modulated Precision Clock home page. No downloading will
take place.
For a des cription o f the f ormat of the filenames, see the Set Up Lo ggin g section on Page 51. Choose a
filename and click on its link. A standard Windows download screen appears as seen in Figure 76 on
Page 74.