•Support WPA-PSK and WPA
When the WPA function is enabled, the Wireless user must authenticate to this router first to z use the Network service
•SPI Mode Supported
When SPI Mode is enabled, the router will check every incoming packet to detect if this packet is valid.
•DoS Attack Detection Supported
When this feature is enabled, the router will detect and log the DoS attack comes from the Internet.
1.1.4Advanced functions
•System time Supported
Allow you to synchronize system time with network time server.
•E-mail Alert Supported
The router can send its info by mail.
•Dynamic dns Supported
At present,the router has 3 ddns.dyndns,TZO.com and dhs.org.
•SNMP Supported
The router supports basic SNMP function.
•Routing Table Supported
Now, the router supports static routing.
•Schedule Rule supported
Customers can control some functions, like virtual server and packet filters when to access or when to block.
1.1.5Other functions
•UPNP (Universal Plug and Play)Supported
The router also supports this function. The applications:
Turbo 802.11b/g 4 Port Wireless Broadband Router | 3 |