Chapter 2: FaxFinder Client Software Configuration
FaxFinder Fax Client Software Menu Command Definitions (cont’d)
Field Name Values Description
Device Status tab
Device (column) alphanumeric Shows status of FaxFinder or HylaFAX server
units with which the client is associated. Also
shows status of the “Print Capture” function and
the “Outlook Synchronizer” function.
Status (column) idle, negotiating,
preparing to
capture, capturing
page n, sending
fax page n,
receiving fax page
n, success,
unsuccessful- user
unsuccessful- no
dial tone,
Shows the status of the FaxFinder or HylaFAX
fax server unit pertaining to its fax sending and
receiving capabilities and to its print/image
capturing capabilities.
Recipient (column) alphanumeric Shows the name and fax number of recipient to
whom fax is currently being sent.
Print Capture (row) idle,
preparing to
capturing page n
Indicates status of the FaxFinder’s Print
Capturing software module.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FaxFinder Client User Guide 23