Chapter 2 - Installation

tab. The screen displayed in fiigure 2-11 appears. Contact your ISP or network administrator if you require assistance in configuring your TCP/IP settings. Also check that you have enabled, allow any authentication including clear text, in the Security settings. Click OK.

Figure 2-11. Define Network Configuration

17.Select ISDN2 and click Configure to set up the appropriate values for the second line.

18.You have completed your ISDN driver installation and have added two NDISWAN adapt- ers. Click Continue>Close. NT will bind the appropriate drivers to your adapter and you will be prompted to restart your computer.

Windows NT Single Channel Access (NDISWAN)

Once your adapter is installed, you are ready to set up an ISDN Dial-Up Networking connection for single channel access.

1.Select Start>Programs>Accessories>Dial-Up Networking. If there are no previous entries in your phonebook, a dialog box appears stating The Phonebook is empty. Press OK to add an Entry. The New Phone book entry wizard appears. Enter a name for your new Phone Book entry. In the Dial Using field, select the IINWANNT NDISWAN adapter you will use for this connection.

2.Next, enter the primary phone number for your ISP or remote server. If you need to specify a Country, Region or Area code, click on the Telephony dialing properties box and fill in your dialing information. If your ISP or remote server has more than one phone number that can be dialed, click on Alternate Phone Numbers and add the phone numbers to the screen.

3.On the Server tab, select the correct remote Server Type. Click on TCP/IP to set up addresses for your remote server. Click OK to continue.

4.When complete, click OK>Close.

5.To use this new connection, open the Dial-Up Networking folder and select the NDISWAN single channel access entry from the phonebook entry drop down list box. Click Dial.

6.Enter the user name and password for your ISP or remote server account and click OK. Your adapter will connect in seconds.