Before connecting this generator to any building’s electrical system, a licensed
electrician must install an isolation (transfer) switch. Serious damage to the building’s electrical system may occur without this transfer switch.
Starting (Auto Mode)
2.Place the MPEC Control Switch (Figure 54) in the AUTO position .
Figure 54. MPEC Control Switch (AUTO)
When connecting the generator to a isolation (transfer) switch, ALWAYS have power applied to the generator's internal battery charger. This will ensure that the engine will not fail due to a dead battery.
When the generator is set in the AUTO mode, the generator will automically start in the event
NOTEof comercial power falling below a prescribed level by means of a contact closure that is generated automatically by a transfer switch.
3.Continue to follow the steps outlined in the Manual Start- up procedure (start at step 9).
When running the generator in the AUTO mode, remember the generator can start up at any time without warning. NEVER attempt to perform any maintenance when the generator is in the auto mode.
1.Perform steps 1 through 5 in the Before Starting section as outlined in the Manual Starting Procedure.