MP2 Saw
The MP2 Saw is designed for vigorous
This saw is available with either an electric motor or a gasoline engine. Two heavy duty electric motors are available: a 5 HP 230V single phase or 5 HP 230V three phase, all with overload protectiom.
If desired, the MP2 Saw can be configured with a 9.0 HP Honda GX270 gasoline engine.
All MP2 saw models include a high flow water pump, cutting jig, water hoses and associated plumbing to enable the operator to begin wet cutting.
Dry Cutting Applications
The MP2 Saw masonry saw is shipped from the factory for wet- cutting saw applications, however it can be used for
Blade Applications
This saw has been designed to incorporate the use of diamond blades as the cutting tool.The optimum performance of this saw is best evidenced by using
Overview of Features
■5 HP, 230VAC , 60 Hz heavy duty electric motors with overload protection.
■9 HP Honda GX270 gasoline engine.
■Rugged steel conveyor cart for optimum stability.
■Open back design permits capability of cutting large materials.
■Ergonomically designed cutting head provides operator relief in high tempo operations.
■Welded fork pockets for easy transportation.
■Cutting table marked in inches (ruler) for precision cuts.
■Rigid steel frame minimizes vibrations and assures accurate cutting.
■Mechanical Water Pump Kit (Gasoline Model Only)
■Electric Submersible Water Pump Kit (Electric Models Only).